PA-Gov, PA-Sen: Statewide Recruitment Thread

A couple of biggies today. In terms of redistricting alone, holding the Pennsylvania Governor’s office is pretty crucial for Democrats. Who would you like to see run for the big office? And who do you expect to see line up for the Reds?

And while we’re on the Keystone State, who would you like to see face off against snarlin’ Arlen in 2010?

54 thoughts on “PA-Gov, PA-Sen: Statewide Recruitment Thread”

  1. But I’d say Schwartz for Governor, Patrick Murphy for Senator.

    I think Specter might consider this his last run, so who knows if he’ll go all out or run half-hearted.  My guess is all-out but having Schwartz and Murphy running in 2010 together would drive up margins in Philly suburbs, which could be Arlen’s downfall since he polls well in Philly and burbs (for a Republican).

  2. I think a lot of the names being mentioned will have a hard time against Tom Corbett in the governor’s race.  If Casey runs, I think he would likely beat him and hold the executive office for us for redistricting.  And perhaps Ed Rendell could end up in the Senate afterwards.  

    I have not heard this idea much, but I hope Casey is giving it some thought since we know he has had serious interest in being governor in the past.

  3. I would love to see Ed Rendell run for Senate.  He is the one candidate who could beat Spector.  He is in his early sixties which is still young.

    The other thing about Spector that noone dwells on is that he is being treated for a recurrence of his Hodgins disease which at his age does NOT have a very good prognosis.  50/50 at best.  He is a fighter who insists he will survive and run in 2010 but that is still a couple of years away. And it is not a good sign that he had a recurrence is less than five years and that the original diagnosis had a fairly advanced stage…

    Casey wanted to be governor before and he may still like the idea – he seems more of a administrative governor type that a Washington Senator type anyway.  He would win for sure.  He is well liked and has no real enemies and his name is gold.

  4. She’s a solid Democrat who’s most often our side on all the major issues, and she’s someone I can see beat Specter. Patrick Murphy’s OK, and I’d back him over Tweety if necessary. I’d just hate to see Tweety Twit run & become our nominee, as I still don’t understand why he wants to run.

  5. that rendell and casey are any bit healed up? why would they be doing eachother any favors? for the sake of the party, fat chance!

    Schwarz and Murphy??? Yall ever heard of balancing things geographically in PA?  Two Philly folks aint going to cut in Pittsburgh Erie Scranton, etc

  6. I still would like to see her run against Arlen in 2010.  If she runs, I am voting for her in the primary.

    As for governor, I hope that Dan Onorato does get into the race.

    One thing I hope is that President Obama, during his 8 years in office, appoints young justices on the Supreme Court.  We do not need any old men or women.

    If our new president appoints people as young as Justice Thomas was when he was appointed, the gains we have made over the years will be locked in for another generation.

    There are plenty of anti-abortion Democrats who would be very happy to not have to do anything whatsoever on the issue at all.  Eight years of President Obama will give them exactly that opportunity.

    The real gain we are going to make is with stem cell research, which is finally going to be signed into law, after being obstructed by our fake cowboy.

    I still remember how someone pointed out that in Dubya’s debates against Richards, he talked and sounded intelligent.  His stupid act is something he learned.  Some conservatives have pointed out that Karen Hughes is the one who came up with that act, the idea being that to be more really American, you have to act more really stupid, so that every time he is opening his mouth, he is insulting the average American.

    He is still the snotty blue blood, just like his mother, who stated that the people in New Orleans who lost everything in Katrina actually were better off since they did not have anything to begin with, now they were getting federal aid.

    January 2009 cannot come to quickly for me.

    And no more holy righteous moralizing legislating, either. (for at least 8 years)

  7. I might even contribute to Spector if that blowhard runs!

    Seriously, the collapse of television news has been driven by the likes of Hannity, O’Reiley, Matthews, & Olberman.  Commentary certainly has its place, but right now none of the 6 24/7 cable news channels I have actually report news during prime time – they all have interview and or commentary shows – even Headline news.  So for us who work and have trouble getting home in time for the 5pm newscasts, we’re just out of luck.  I’d rather if they did a 15 minute commentary segment in an hour actual newscast, but cable news has to make money on news, so it’s all about ratings and entertainment, rather than information and education.

  8. He would be a great candidate and a great Senator. As a side question, does anyone know what our bench is like in PA-08? I want him to run regardless, but it is good to think ahead if he pulls the trigger. I agree Casey would be a the best candidate for governor, but if he does not run, I would like to see State Auditor General Jack Wagner run for governor. He might also be a good candidate for Senate if Murphy passes, but I think he would be better as governor and Murphy would be better as a Senator.  

  9. I agree that Pennsylvania is getting much bluer; nevertheless, since 1954, control of the governor’s mansion has switched parties every eight years like clockwork.  I wonder whether this will influence which position potential candidates decide to attempt.

  10. Auditor Jack Wagner for Governor and either Patrick Murphy or Joe Sestak for Senate. I’m not convinced Schwartz can win statewide.

  11. Sestak ( D- PA7 )He has over $3.0 MM in bank (having spent next to nothing for his 2008 re-election). If Arlen gets the nomination, Sestak uses his military background, to run against Specter from the right, looking for votes all over the State. Schwartz may have trouble raising money, as her biggest contributors, are historic backers of Specter.

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